Vocabulary Booster: 203 Animals in German

Studying the names of animals in German is a good way to provide your self cultural context. From the trademark discourse of ecological safety you’re certain to listen to in Germany to German idioms like “Wo der Bär steppt” (the place the bear dances), animals affect a lot of German tradition. Due to similarities between English and German, there are a lot of animal names in German which can be both related or equivalent to their English names, resembling der Hamster (the hamster), making German straightforward to study. Learn on to increase your vocabulary with over 200 animals within the German language.

Widespread pets and animals in German households

man in a meadow hugging a dog using names for animals in german

Naming animals in German households can transcend pet names like “Spot” or “Thor.” Present your fellow German audio system that the way to converse German by with the ability to establish their pets and your personal by their species’ true title. Maintain a watch out for what number of German phrases match the sound or spelling of the English phrase!

German Animal and ArticlePronunciationEnglish Translation
der AraAH-rahthe macaw
der BoxerBOHX-erthe boxer
der Chihuahuachi-HWA-hwathe chihuahua
der Dackel/DachshundDAHK-el/DAHKS-hoontthe dachshund
die DoggeDoh-gehthe nice dane
die EidechseEYE-dek-suhthe lizard
der FinkFEENKthe finch
der FischFISHthe fish
das FrettchenFRET-chuhnthe ferret
der GeckoGEH-kohthe gecko
der GoldfischGOHLT-fishthe goldfish
der HamsterHAHM-stuhrthe hamster
der HuskyHUS-keethe husky
der Kanarienvogelkah-NAH-REE-en-FOH-guhlthe canary
das Kaninchenkah-NEEN-chuhnthe rabbit
der KaterCAT-erthe tomcat/male cat
die KatzeKAHT-stuhthe cat
der LabradorLAH-brah-DOORthe labrador
das MeerscheinchenMEHR-SHVINE-chuhnthe guinea pig
die MausMOWSthe mouse
der Papageipah-pah-GUYthe parrot
das PonyPOH-neethe horse
der PudelPOO-delthe poodle
die RatteRAH-tuhthe rat
die SchildkröteSHILT-kroe-tuhthe turtle
die SchlangeSHLAHNG-uhthe snake
der SiamkaterZEE-amh-KAH-terthe siamese cat
der WellensittichVEH-len-ZIT-tichthe budgerigar (“budgie” fowl)
der WelpeWEL-puhthe pet
die WüstenrennmausVOO-sten-ren-MOWSthe gerbil

German cattle

Agriculture has been very important to sustaining life in Germany for a whole bunch if not hundreds of years, and we are able to see this within the similarities within the names of animals in German to their English counterparts. This proves the deep historic connection to the creature and the way this connection can stand up to the check of time and the linguistic growth of newly forming languages. Now you might be part of this custom by memorizing this record of German names for cattle.

German Animal and ArticlePronunciationEnglish Translation
der BulleBOOL-ehthe bull
das DromedarDROH-meh-dahrthe dromedary
die EnteEN-tuhthe duck
der EselAYE-selthe donkey
das FerkelFEHR-kuhlthe piglet
die GansGAHNSthe goose
das HuhnHOONthe hen
die HenneHEN-uhthe hen
das KalbKALPthe calf
die KuhKOOthe cow
das LamaLAH-mahthe llama
das LammLAMthe lamb
das MaultierMOWL-teerthe mule
das MutterschafMOOT-er-SHAHFthe ewe
der OchseOHX-uhthe ox
der PfauPFOWthe peacock
das PferdPFEHRTthe horse
der RammlerRAHM-lerthe buck rabbit
das Rentierren-TEERthe reindeer
das SchafSHAHFthe sheep
der SchäferhundSHEY-fer-HOONTthe sheepherding canine
die SchneckeSHNEK-uhthe snail
das SchweinSHVINEthe pig
die StuteSHTOO-tuhthe mare
das TrampeltierTRAHM-pel-TEERthe camel
der TruthahnTROOT-hanthe turkey
der UhuOO-HOOthe owl
das WieselVEE-selthe weasel
der ZiegenbockTSEE-ghen-BOCthe billy goat
die ZiegeTSEE-guhthe goat

German marine animals

Generally naming animals in German requires getting your self moist! Dive into deep waters with the aquatic German animals listed right here:

German Animal and ArticlePronunciationEnglish Translation
der AalAHLthe eel
die AusterOW-sterthe oyster
der BarrakudaBAH-RAH-KOO-DAHthe barracuda
der BlauwalBLOU-vahlthe blue whale
der BlobfischBLOB-fishthe blobfish
der ClownfishCLOUN-fishthe clownfish
der Delfindel-FEENthe dolphin
der DorschDORSHthe cod
der FächerfischFAE-cher-FISHthe sailfish
der FlusskrebsFLOOS-krebsthe crayfish
die FlunderFLOON-derthe flounder
der Garnelegar-NEH-luhthe shrimp
der HaiHIGHthe shark
der HammerhaiHAH-mer-HIGHthe hammerhead shark
der HeringHEY-ringthe herring
der HummerHOO-merthe lobster
die JakobsmuschelYAH-kops-MOOS-schelthe scallop
der KalmarKAL-marthe squid
der KabeljauKAH-bel-YOWthe Atlantic cod
die Korallekoh-RAH-luhthe coral
die KrabbeKRAH-buhthe crab
das Krokodilkroh-coh-DILthe crocodile
der KugelfischKOO-gel-fishthe pufferfish
der LachsLAHXthe salmon
der Laternenfischlah-TERN-nen-FISHthe lanternfish
der MakohaiMAH-koh-highthe mako shark
die Makrelemah-KREH-luhthe mackerel
der MantaMAHN-tahthe manta ray
die Medusemeh-DOO-zuhthe jellyfish
die Muränemoo-RAEH-nuhthe moray eel
das NilpferdNEEL-pfehrtthe hippopotamus
der Pinguinpin-GWEENthe penguin
der PlattfischPLAHT-fishthe flatfish
die RobbeROH-buhthe seal
der RochenROH-kenthe ray fish
der RotfeuerfischROHT-FOY-er-FISHthe lionfish
der SchwertfischSHVERHT-fishthe swordfish
der SeehundZAY-hoontthe harbor seal
der Seeigelzee-EE-gelthe ocean urchin
der SeeotterZEE-ohterthe ocean otter
der Seepferdchenzee-PFEHRD-chuhnthe seahorse
der SeesternZEE-shtehrnthe starfish
der StörSHTOERthe sturgeon
der ThunfischTOON-fishthe tuna
der TintenfischTIN-ten-FISHthe octopus
die VenusmuschelVEH-noos-MOO-shelthe clam
der WalVAHLthe whale
das WalrossVAL-rosthe walrus
der ZackenbarschTSAH-ken-BARSHthe grouper
der ZwergwalTSVERKH-VAHLthe pygmy whale

Animals from the savanna

The African savanna seems to be starkly totally different from Germany’s black forest, however you’ll nonetheless need to know the German phrases for Africa’s well-known animals. Incorporate your subsequent safari into your record of German phrases by learning this group of animals in German generally discovered within the savanna. 

German Animal and ArticlePronunciationEnglish Translation
die AntilopeAHN-tee-LOH-puhthe antelope
der BeinenfresserBI-nen-fres-serthe bee-eater
der BüffelBOOH-felthe buffalo
das DikdikDEEK-DEEKthe dik-dik
der Elefantel-EH-FANTthe elephant
das ErdferkelEHRT-FEHR-kelthe aardvark
der GepardGEH-pahrtthe cheetah
die Giraffegee-RAHF-fuhthe giraffe
das GnuGNOOthe wildebeest
der HonigdachsHOH-nig-DACSthe honey badger
der Hyänenhundhoo-YEH-nen-HOONTthe African wild canine
die Hyänehoo-YEH-nuhthe hyena
der IbisEE-bisthe ibis
der Impalaim-PAH-lahthe impala
der LeopardLEH-oh-PAHRTthe leopard
der LöweLUH-vuhthe lion
die Mangustemahn-GOOS-tuhthe mongoose
die MarabuMAH-RAH-boothe marabou stork
das NashornNAHS-hornthe rhinoceros
das PangolinPHN-GO-linthe pangolin
der Pavianpah-VEE-ahnthe baboon
der PerlhuhnPEHRL-hoonthe guinea fowl
der SekretärvogelZEHK-reh-TAER-voh-gelthe secretary fowl
die SpringmausSHPRING-mowsthe jerboa
die StraußSTROUSthe ostrich
das StachelschweinSTAH-hel-SHVINEthe porcupine
der Termitenfressertehr-MEE-ten-FRES-serthe termite eater
das WarzenschweinVAHRT-sen-SHVINEthe warthog
der WildhundVILT-hoontthe wild canine
das ZebraTSEH-brahthe zebra

Names for German animals within the rainforest

These German animal names come from the tropical, humid rainforests of the world. A lot of them are comprised of German phrases that may appear comical at instances, like Faultier (sloth) that actually means “lazy animal.” See in the event you can spot some other factors of German humor within the record right here:

German Animal and ArticlePronunciationEnglish Translation
die AnakondaAHN-ah-CON-dahthe anaconda
der Agutiah-GOO-teethe agouti
der Ameisenbärah-MIGH-zen-BAEHRthe anteater
der AnolisAH-noh-listhe anole
der AraAH-rahthe macaw
die BaumschlangeBAWM-SHLAHN-guhthe tree snake
der BrüllaffeBROOL-AH-fuhthe howler monkey
der CapybaraKAH-pee-BAH-rahthe capybara
das FaultierFOWL-teerthe sloth
der FroschFROSHthe frog
der GiftpfeilfroschGIFT-pfyle-FROSHthe poison dart frog
der GlühwürmchenGLOO-wuerm-chuhnthe firefly
der Gorillago-RIL-ahthe gorilla
der JaguarYAH-gwarthe jaguar
der KakaduKAH-KAH-DOOthe cockatoo
der KlammeraffeCLAH-mer-AH-fuhthe spider monkey
der Kolibrikoh-LEE-breethe hummingbird
der LemurLEH-moorthe lemur
der NacktmullNACT-moolthe bare mole rat
der Orang-Utanor-ANG-YOU-tanthe orangutan
der OzelotOH-tseh-lohtthe ocelot
die RiesenschlangeREE-zen-SHLANG-uhthe boa constrictor
die RiesenvogelspinneREE-zen-foh-gel-SHPIN-nehthe tarantula
der SchmetterlingSHMEH-ter-lingthe butterfly
der SonnenbärZOHN-en-BAEHRthe solar bear
die SpitzmausSHPITS-mousthe shrew
der Tapirtah-PEERthe tapir
der Termittehr-MEETthe termite
der TigerTEE-gerthe tiger
der Tukanetoo-KAH-nehthe toucan
der Vampirfledermausvahm-PEER-FLAY-der-mowsthe vampire bat
der ZitteraalTSEE-ter-ahlthe electrical eel
die ZwergameisenbärTSVERGH-ah-MY-zen-baehrsilky anteater

Forest animals in German

Forests in Germany are wealthy with woodland populations thanks partially to the European beech tree, oaks, and pines. From squirrels to woodpeckers, the animals that reside in German beech tree habitats play an important position in sustaining ecological stability. Discover out what different creatures depend on this bountiful tree and within the forests.

German Animal and ArticlePronunciationEnglish Translation
der AuerhahnOW-er-hahnthe capercaillie (wooden grouse)
der BärBAEHRthe bear
das EichhörnchenEYEKH-hoern-chuhnthe squirrel
der ElchELSHthe moose
der FuchsFOOKSthe fox
das HirschHEERSHthe deer
der IgelEE-guhlthe hedgehog
das Insektin-ZEKTthe insect
der KäferKEH-ferthe beetle
das KitzKEETSthe fawn
der KuckuckKOO-koogthe cuckoo
der LuchsLUHKSthe lynx
der MarderMAHR-derthe marten
der MaulwurfMOWL-vohrfthe mole
die MeiseMY-zuhthe titmouse
der RehbockRAY-bokbuck (male deer)
der SalamanderSAH-lah-MAHN-derthe salamander
der SchakalSHAH-kahlthe jackal
der SchwanSHVAHNthe swan
die SpinneSHPINN-uhthe spider
der SpechtSHPEHCHTthe woodpecker
das StinktierSHTINK-teerthe skunk
der TarpanTEHR-pahnthe wild horse
der VielfraßFEEL-frahsthe wolverine
die WaldameiseVALD-ah-MY-zuhthe wooden ant
der WaldkauzVAHLT-kowtsthe tawny owl
der WaschbärVASH-bairthe raccoon
die WespeVES-puhthe wasp
der WolfVUHLFthe wolf
die WildkatzeVILT-KAHT-tsuhthe wildcat

With this useful record of over 200 animal names in German, you’ll considerably increase your vocabulary and have an excellent alternative to place your data of the German alphabet to sensible use. When you’re trying to increase your German eloquence additional, take into account considered one of Rosetta Stone’s reside classes to transcend vocabulary charts with skilled native audio system.

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